A True Friend

A True Friend

Poem by LeKeisha Suggs

A true friend shares in your most joyous moments
And encourages you when things get tough
While guarding your back against your opponents
And refuses to walk away when times get rough

A true friend shares in laughter for hours on end
And lends a shoulder to cry on when things fall apart
Who will tell you that your outfit is nowhere on trend
And who may be far in distance but never far in heart

A true friend warms your soul with just their presence
And stands by your side – no questions asked
Who says, “I can’t wait to share this,” in your absence
And is there to lift you up when you’re feeling downcast

A true friend accepts you for who you are
And loves you in spite of your flaws
Who’s very presence shines brighter than any star
And who supports you without a moment’s pause

A true friend should never be taken for granted
And is one to cherish and to fight for
Who makes your life feel enchanted
For in this life, a true friend is a rare gift to score

        To find a true friend is a rare gift, indeed.  It isn’t a matter of how long you have known someone or how near or far they are.  What matters is the value and enrichment the person brings to your life and your heart.  Does that person lift you up?  Are you happier when you leave their presence?  If yes, then treasure that friendship and put in the work to not let it die or fade away.

         I dedicate this poem to my closest friends – you are the family I have chosen.  Thank you for inspiring me every day!!


Have Faith

Joy And Peace In Believing

Poem by William Cowper

Sometimes a light surprises
The Christian while he sings;
It is the Lord who rises
With healing on His wings;
When comforts are declining,
He grants the soul again
A season of clear shining,
To cheer it after rain.

In holy contemplation
We sweetly then pursue
The theme of God’s salvation,
And find it ever new;
Set free from present sorrow,
We cheerfully can say,
E’en let the unknown to-morrow
Bring with it what it may!

It can bring with it nothing,
But He will bear us through;
Who gives the lilies clothing,
Will clothe His people too;
Beneath the spreading heavens
No creature but is fed;
And He who feeds the ravens
Will give His children bread.

Though vine nor fig tree neither
Their wonted fruit shall bear,
Though all the field should wither,
Nor flocks nor herds be there:
Yet God the same abiding,
His praise shall tune my voice;
For, while in Him confiding,
I cannot but rejoice.

         Let go and let God is one of my favorite turn of phrases to use.  No matter what you may face in this life, no matter how painful or how difficult – God will see you through.  So, have faith that no matter what tomorrow brings, you can handle it so long as you let go and let God.