Juggling Five Balls

“Imagine life is a game in which you are juggling five balls. The balls are called work, family, health, friends, and integrity. And you’re keeping all of them in the air. But one day you finally come to understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls…are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered.”

― James Patterson

        As you progress through life, you begin to reassess your priorities and values. You hopefully learn that your family, health, friends and integrity are priceless. They are like glass balls – fragile and irreplaceable. These are things worth fighting for because if you are lucky enough to collect all four balls, you have all you need for a fulfilling life. And yes, it’s hard to juggle all five balls when you throw work into the mix, but do you really want to find out what life’s like when you drop one of the glass balls? I surely hope not. So, take each day and check the excuses at the door.  Make time to nurture the aspects of your life of utmost importance – friendships, family, your health and your integrity. For when it’s gone, it’s gone…

Seize the Moment

“Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You’re going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don’t try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.”

― Anthony Robbins

      Carpe diem, seize the day. It’s great to be a planner, to fully think through every decision and choice. But sometimes, you must tune out the voices and simply be in the moment. Follow your heart, leap with both feet and simply learn what it means to live. Trust that everything will work out in the end. Sure, you’ll make mistakes, it’s called being human. So, take time to be spontaneous, crazy and carefree…enjoy your life, for you only get one shot, so make it count.

Change Your Outlook

“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.”

― Brian Tracy

       I believe firmly that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Change and growth isn’t about waiting for your circumstances to change or for someone’s behavior to change, it is about changing how you perceive the world around you. By changing your attitude and outlook, you can go from being stuck to creating a life filled with joy and limitless possibilities.