Choose to Smile

It was only a glad “Good Morning”
As she passed along the way;
But it spread the morning’s glory
Over the livelong day.

-Carlotta Perry

          One smile can change the world.  How you choose to greet the day sets the course of how it is going to unfold.  If you start the day in a bad mood with negative thoughts – guess what?  You’re most likely going to have a bad day.  Instead, if you choose to greet the day with a smile and a little optimism that today is going to be a good day, you will open yourself up to embrace the good that exists in every day.  You are better equipped to handle the hiccups that come your way and take it in stride not letting the small things ruin your day.  Attitude is everything. . .so, as we begin a new week, choose to embrace the glory in each day and let no one and nothing steal your sunshine.

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4 thoughts on “Choose to Smile”

    1. Monday blues are a thing of the past! Instead, how about Monday smiles?! Embrace the beauty in today!!

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