Love Yourself

“The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself.”

― Diane Von Furstenberg

     Self-care is something each person should place emphasis on in their life. How can you truly and unconditionally love another person if you don’t love yourself? More importantly, you need to take the time to nurture and strengthen the relationship you have with yourself. You will never be able to break up with yourself, so take the time to create within yourself someone you love and someone who inspires you.

Love & Relationships

“Love and friendship. They are what make us who we are, and what can change us, if we let them.”

― Emily Giffin

       Life isn’t about what you receive but is about what you give. It is about spreading love and enriching another person’s life. It is about taking the time and care to cultivate meaningful relationships because at the end of day, this is what makes life worthwhile.

One Smile

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

― Leo Buscaglia

       It is the small things that make the biggest difference. Never forget that one smile has the power to change the world. One kind word or gesture can brighten a person’s day. So, each day you should strive to open your heart and spread love for you really can make a difference in another person’s life. And hey, imagine what this world would look like if everyone chose to do the same.

Make the Time

No matter how busy we may believe we are, we have the wonderful opportunity presently of investing time with loved ones. For those are the great investments we will be glad we made, when time begins to slow and the ability to tend turns tender.
― Tom Althouse

          I’m so tired of constantly hearing people say they are too busy to be bothered to pickup a phone or reach out to a friend or loved one. Enough with the excuses. If someone is important to you, you will make time to invest in that relationship. You get but one chance at life, so don’t squander it. Take the time today to invest in the relationships that are important to you, for you may not get a second chance. Never forget that it is these bonds and relationships that make life meaningful and worth the heartache.

Make Each Day Count

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love—then make that day count!

― Steve Maraboli

         Each day that you wake up is truly a blessing. It is an opportunity to try again. Don’t ever take for granted that you will see the Sun rise tomorrow. So, make the decision each morning to make the most of every moment of everyday.

Embrace Your Life

“However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man’s abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.”

― Henry David Thoreau

        Life is filled with good times and bad times.  It is filled with extreme highs and unimaginable lows.  And there is nothing you can do to avoid it.  Pain is as much a part of life as joy.  Because of this, we must all focus on embracing the unedited version of life.  Love your life. . .for you get but one chance to live it!

Love Yourself

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

― Gautama Buddha

       I truly believe there are two fundamental lessons each of us must learn before we can experience pure joy and happiness in this life. We must learn to unconditionally love and accept ourselves – imperfections included. When you unconditionally love and accept yourself, there is this inner calm and peace that envelopes your soul like a protective shroud. You are no longer afraid to be alone with just your thoughts and you radiate love to everyone near. Burdens you have carried for so long disappear and you are free. Free of self-recrimination. Free of self-doubt. Said simply, you are free to break from the chains that bind you and learn what it means to fly with your own wings.

Align Yourself With Love

“There is no excuse good enough to ever be out of alignment with love. You’re going to get hurt, and you will feel pain. Yet your purpose is to keep loving, anyway. Keep moving forward with an open heart. Love is a Divine gift given to humanity. Wasting it is no longer an option. Love is what brings light to a dark place. Love is what transforms a dying world into a thriving planet.”

― Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace

      Life is about learning to love yourself and sharing that love with others. Undoubtedly, when you open your heart, you will get hurt. Love is painful, but it is also the greatest gift you can give and receive. So, you should strive to ground every action and decision in love. And imagine what this world would look like if each person were to do this.

A True Friend

A True Friend

Poem by LeKeisha Suggs

A true friend shares in your most joyous moments
And encourages you when things get tough
While guarding your back against your opponents
And refuses to walk away when times get rough

A true friend shares in laughter for hours on end
And lends a shoulder to cry on when things fall apart
Who will tell you that your outfit is nowhere on trend
And who may be far in distance but never far in heart

A true friend warms your soul with just their presence
And stands by your side – no questions asked
Who says, “I can’t wait to share this,” in your absence
And is there to lift you up when you’re feeling downcast

A true friend accepts you for who you are
And loves you in spite of your flaws
Who’s very presence shines brighter than any star
And who supports you without a moment’s pause

A true friend should never be taken for granted
And is one to cherish and to fight for
Who makes your life feel enchanted
For in this life, a true friend is a rare gift to score

        To find a true friend is a rare gift, indeed.  It isn’t a matter of how long you have known someone or how near or far they are.  What matters is the value and enrichment the person brings to your life and your heart.  Does that person lift you up?  Are you happier when you leave their presence?  If yes, then treasure that friendship and put in the work to not let it die or fade away.

         I dedicate this poem to my closest friends – you are the family I have chosen.  Thank you for inspiring me every day!!


A Beautiful Life

A Beautiful Life

Poem by LeKeisha Suggs

What a beautiful life each of us are given
Yet so many of us fail to love it enough
We blindly rush through life – then ask to be forgiven
We make excuses that life is just too tough

And we don’t allow ourselves to see the beauty all around
It’s such a shame, as time waits for no one
So, each day take a moment to embrace nature’s sweet sounds
For there is no guarantee that tomorrow will bring the Sun

            As we begin a new week, remember it is a time of new beginnings. Don’t take any moments for granted and try to take time to smell the roses!  Enjoy and have a blessed week!!